Best Height For Motorcycle Windshields

There is no definitive answer to the question of what the best height for a motorcycle windshield is. Some riders prefer a taller windshield for better protection from the wind and weather, while others find that a shorter windshield makes it easier to maneuver their bike around tight spaces. There are pros and cons to both options, so it ultimately comes down to personal preference.

The best height for a motorcycle windshield will be determined by personal preference, but there are some general recommendations that can help you narrow down your search. For example, shorter windshields are often the most beneficial when riding on the highway because they do not obstruct the rider’s line of sight as much as taller models. Shorter windshields are also better at deflecting air away from the rider so it doesn’t blow up off of the top of longer models and into their faces.

Another reason why some riders prefer shorter windshields is that they provide more protection against debris being kicked up from underneath your bike. This helps keep foreign objects out of your eyes, which is especially helpful if you ride with glasses. At the same time, taller windshields are often better for offering protection from wind gusts and other weather conditions.

As far as practicality goes, it is easier to mount a shorter windshield with less material between your arms and the grips of your bike. This can be useful when you need to squeeze in between tight spaces on the road, such as while you’re riding in traffic. Shorter windshields also offer more clearance when riding off-road because they do not come into contact with objects like trees and rocks quite as easily.

However, taller motorcycle windshield models may provide more comfort for some riders who prefer protection from falling rain or snow. Longer windscreens can also help shield the rider’s hands from cold air during extremely cold weather. There are even windshields available that can be adjusted up or down depending on the weather conditions, which makes it easy to find a balance between comfort and practicality without having to switch windshields every time the climate changes.

Choosing what height for motorcycle windshield you need is ultimately up to your personal preference, but understanding some of the general benefits that come with shorter vs taller models can help you narrow down your options.

But the recommended size of motorcycle windshields has to do with more than just the width of the material. There are other factors that should be considered, including how much airflow it deflects and whether or not you wear glasses when you ride.

When choosing a size for your motorcycle windshield, consider personal comfort, visibility, and safety. Different shapes will offer different benefits depending on these factors, so choose one that works best for your bike’s overall design.

besides this, the recommended size for a motorcycle windshield is to be just below your eye level. You want to make sure that you can see as far ahead as possible, but you also need to be able to control your bike without having to look directly down.

The height of a motorcycle windshield is based on what part of the rider’s body it obscures or protects from wind gusts. For example, taller models are often used to shield the torso, while shorter models are better for protecting the thighs. Additionally, windshields that do not extend past the rider’s eye level will usually provide more protection against wind gusts than ones that come up lower on the body.

How to reduce wind buffeting on a motorcycle windshield?

Motorcycle windscreens aren’t just there to look pretty. They also serve as protection from the elements and reduce wind buffeting so you don’t have to constantly readjust your position on the bike to stay comfortable.

When considering how much airflow a motorcycle windshield deflects, it’s important for riders to remember that motorcycles can often push up to twice the amount of air pressure as cars. That’s because they are engineered to be streamlined and aerodynamic, which makes the rider sit lower to the ground where wind speeds are greater.

Wind protection height is based on how fast you are traveling. For riders who travel at 5-25 mph, a windshield that extends up to 6 inches beyond their shoulders will be most effective. If you ride between 25 and 50 mph, your motorcycle windshield needs should expand another 6 to 9 inches in order for it provides enough coverage so you don’t get buffeted by gusts and crosswinds. And if you ride faster than 50 mph, a motorcycle windshield should come up at least 12 inches past where it would normally sit when not in use.

Motorcycle windscreens also need to be just high enough so as not to block the rider’s forward visibility. This height varies depending on what type of motorcycle you ride and how it is designed, but as a general rule of thumb, your screen should sit about 2-4 inches lower than where your eyes are when they’ve focused straight ahead.

The windshield can then deflect airflow up and over the rider (or down and under them in some cases). As much as possible, you want this air pocket that forms between yourself and the windshield to remain free from turbulence. That way you will reduce buffeting and even help maintain optimal fuel efficiency.

For motorcycles with fairings or full body panels, taller windshields are recommended since these have a more aerodynamic shape and will reduce drag. Motorcycles with no fairings or body panels, like sports bikes, usually do not require such tall windshields since they help trap less air (and may even increase drag).


The main thing to take away from the different types of motorcycle windscreens is that they should be chosen based on individual rider comfort and safety. Different types of windshields offer certain benefits, but not everyone will work for every type of bike or rider style.

Motorcycle windscreens play an important role in helping riders achieve adequate visibility while simultaneously reducing fatigue and the chance of injury. However, it’s essential that you choose a model that works with your particular bike, especially considering how drastically airflow changes at various speeds. Riders who are too close to their windshield may end up ducking or bobbing excessively as they try to look over them – which just creates more stress – so it’s best to err on the side of caution when it comes to height.

If you’re still having trouble deciding which windshield is right for your riding needs, it’s recommended to talk with your friends or people who already have a windshield on their motorcycle

If you have any additional tips or advice about choosing the best height for a motorcycle windshield feel free to leave them in the comment section below.